Collection: Camelot Defense Campaign

These designs tell the story of the strike on King Arthur's Camelot.

(1) "RoundTable Roast" - The Knights of the RoundTable have heard whisperings of a planned attack on the courts of Camelot. Though nothing is certain, discussions must be held to verify the authenticity of this threat. Keeping alert during such important dialogue proves easier when they start the day with their Breakfast Blend coffee.

(2) "Night Watch" - During the night watch, the guards on duty stay alert with their African Espresso. In the early hours of the morning, they begin to spot it. Raiders, marching in from the south. They must ring the bells. For war....

(3) "Siege of Camelot" - The rumors were true. Camelot is under Siege. The Knights of the RoundTable have been called to aid in its defense. This House Blend serves as the common cup of coffee in the home of King Arthur.

(4) "Dragon Slayer" - During the siege, a major threat has been unleashed upon the castle. A mighty dragon sends flames of fire, wrenching through every street and corridor. A quick cup of French Roast coffee is sure to invigorate our knight for the fierce duel at hand.

Camelot Defense Campaign