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RoundTable Roast

Giant Marvels - 12 OZ. Colombian Coffee

Giant Marvels - 12 OZ. Colombian Coffee

Regular price $19.99 USD
Regular price $24.99 USD Sale price $19.99 USD
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A medium roast with notes of dried orange, berry, and chocolate, sourced from smallholder farmers in Medellin, Colombia, and carefully processed to preserve its rich flavors.

Coffee has many cardiovascular and health benefits which may include lowering the risk of diseases and providing the body with many antioxidants.

Giant Marvels: Though unverified by any others, one knight at the RoundTable, recalls an experience where he accidentally wandered down some wrong paths and ended up witnessing a marvel. Huge constructions and architectural masterpieces were being assembled by enormous giants in a flourishing area. Whether or not all believe his tale, he is convinced of what he saw. And those listening to his story, enjoy some Colombian coffee while considering it plausibility.

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